Abstract submission deadline until September 05, 2015!

News: PAN Scientific Center in Kiev can cover travel costs for few participants from Poland. For details, please, contact with organizing comittee.

LUMCOS 2015 is the 4th International Scientific-Technical Conference for Young Scientists which is devoted to:
- theoretical and experimental study of luminescent processes in condensed matter;
- creation of new luminescent materials and investigation of their physical and chemical properties;
- application of luminescent materials in up-to-date fields of science and engineering;
- photonics, ionizing radiation interaction with a substance.
All young scientists and specialists are welcome!!!
To take part in the conference it is necessary to register yourself and submit abstract of you presentation. The presentations are accepted in oral (15 min) and poster form (dimensions of the poster must not exceed the size A0). For oral presentation multimedia projector is provided.
The main language of the conference is English. All conference materials including abstracts, presentations and posters should be prepared in English. Supplementation languages are Russian and Ukrainian.
The conference contributions will be published in the Functional Materials journal after reviewing.
LUMCOS 2015 is held under The International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies - in accordance with the decision of the UN General Assembly adopted in 2013.
Download the conference poster

- Institute for Scintillation Materials, STC "Institute for Single Crystals" NAS of Ukraine
- Young Scientist Council of Institute for Scintillation Materials
- PAN Scientific Center in Kiev
Date of holding
October 07-09, 2015
Place of holding
STC "Institute for Single Crystals", 60 Lenin ave., Kharkov, Ukraine